/** * VERSION: 12.0.5 * DATE: 2013-03-27 * AS3 * UPDATES AND DOCS AT: http://www.greensock.com/roughease/ **/ package com.greensock.easing { import com.greensock.easing.core.EasePoint; /** * Most easing equations give a smooth, gradual transition between the start and end values, but RoughEase provides * an easy way to get a rough, jagged effect instead, or you can also get an evenly-spaced back-and-forth movement * if you prefer. Configure the RoughEase by passing an object to the constructor or config() method with any * of the following properties (all are optional): * * * *

For a visual example and more details, check out http://www.greensock.com/roughease/.

* *

Example code

* import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.easing.~~; //use the default values TweenLite.from(mc, 3, {alpha:0, ease:RoughEase.ease}); //or customize the configuration TweenLite.to(mc, 3, {y:300, ease:RoughEase.ease.config({strength:3, points:50, template:Strong.easeInOut, taper:"both", randomize:false}) }); //or create a RoughEase that we can pass in to multiple tweens later var rough:RoughEase = new RoughEase({strength:3, points:50, template:Strong.easeInOut, taper:"both", randomize:false}); TweenLite.to(mc, 3, {y:300, ease:rough}); TweenLite.to(mc2, 5, {x:500, ease:rough}); * *

Copyright 2010-2014, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in http://www.greensock.com/terms_of_use.html or for Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the membership.

* * @author Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ public class RoughEase extends Ease { /** The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time. **/ public static var ease:RoughEase = new RoughEase(); /** @private **/ private static var _lookup:Object = {}; //keeps track of all named instances so we can find them in byName(). /** @private **/ private static var _count:int = 0; /** @private **/ private var _name:String; /** @private **/ private var _first:EasePoint; /** @private **/ private var _prev:EasePoint; /** * Constructor * * @param vars a generic object with any of the following properties (all are completely optional): * */ public function RoughEase(vars:*=null, ...args) { if (typeof(vars) !== "object" || vars == null) { vars = {strength:vars, points:args[0], clamp:args[1], template:args[2], taper:args[3], randomize:args[4], name:args[5]}; } if (vars.name) { _name = vars.name; _lookup[vars.name] = this; } else { _name = "roughEase" + (_count++); } var taper:String = vars.taper || "none", a:Array = [], cnt:int = 0, points:int = int(vars.points) || 20, i:int = points, randomize:Boolean = (vars.randomize !== false), clamp:Boolean = (vars.clamp === true), template:Ease = (vars.template is Ease) ? vars.template : null, strength:Number = (typeof(vars.strength) === "number") ? vars.strength * 0.4 : 0.4, x:Number, y:Number, bump:Number, invX:Number, obj:Object; while (--i > -1) { x = randomize ? Math.random() : (1 / points) * i; y = (template != null) ? template.getRatio(x) : x; if (taper === "none") { bump = strength; } else if (taper === "out") { invX = 1 - x; bump = invX * invX * strength; } else if (taper === "in") { bump = x * x * strength; } else if (x < 0.5) { //"both" (start) invX = x * 2; bump = invX * invX * 0.5 * strength; } else { //"both" (end) invX = (1 - x) * 2; bump = invX * invX * 0.5 * strength; } if (randomize) { y += (Math.random() * bump) - (bump * 0.5); } else if (i % 2) { y += bump * 0.5; } else { y -= bump * 0.5; } if (clamp) { if (y > 1) { y = 1; } else if (y < 0) { y = 0; } } a[cnt++] = {x:x, y:y}; } a.sortOn("x", Array.NUMERIC); _first = new EasePoint(1, 1, null); i = points; while (--i > -1) { obj = a[i]; _first = new EasePoint(obj.x, obj.y, _first); } _first = _prev = new EasePoint(0, 0, (_first.time !== 0) ? _first : _first.next); } /** * @private * DEPRECATED * This static function provides a quick way to create a RoughEase and immediately reference its ease function * in a tween, like:

* * TweenLite.from(mc, 2, {alpha:0, ease:RoughEase.create(1.5, 15)});
* * @param strength amount of variance from the templateEase (Linear.easeNone by default) that each random point can be placed. A low number like 0.1 will hug very closely to the templateEase whereas a larger number like 2 will allow the values to wander further away from the templateEase. * @param points quantity of random points to plot in the ease. A larger number will cause more (and quicker) flickering. * @param clamp If true, the ease will prevent random points from exceeding the end value or dropping below the starting value. For example, if you're tweening the x property from 0 to 100, the RoughEase would force all random points to stay between 0 and 100 if restrictMaxAndMin is true, but if it is false, a x could potentially jump above 100 or below 0 at some point during the tween (it would always end at 100 though). * @param templateEase an easing equation that should be used as a template or guide. Then random points are plotted at a certain distance away from the templateEase (based on the strength parameter). The default is Linear.easeNone. * @param taper to make the strength of the roughness taper towards the end or beginning or both, use "out", "in", or "both" respectively here (default is "none"). * @param randomize to randomize the placement of the points, set randomize to true (otherwise the points will zig-zag evenly across the ease) * @param name a name to associate with the ease so that you can use RoughEase.byName() to look it up later. Of course you should always make sure you use a unique name for each ease (if you leave it blank, a name will automatically be generated). * @return easing function */ public static function create(strength:Number=1, points:uint=20, clamp:Boolean=false, templateEase:Ease=null, taper:String="none", randomize:Boolean=true, name:String=""):Ease { return new RoughEase(strength, points, clamp, templateEase, taper, randomize, name); } /** * @private * DEPRECATED * Provides a quick way to look up a RoughEase by its name. * * @param name the name of the RoughEase * @return the RoughEase associated with the name */ public static function byName(name:String):Ease { return _lookup[name]; } /** * Translates the tween's progress ratio into the corresponding ease ratio. This is the heart of the Ease, where it does all its work. * * @param p progress ratio (a value between 0 and 1 indicating the progress of the tween/ease) * @return translated number */ override public function getRatio(p:Number):Number { var pnt:EasePoint = _prev; if (p > _prev.time) { while (pnt.next && p >= pnt.time) { pnt = pnt.next; } pnt = pnt.prev; } else { while (pnt.prev && p <= pnt.time) { pnt = pnt.prev; } } _prev = pnt; return (pnt.value + ((p - pnt.time) / pnt.gap) * pnt.change); } /** @private [DEPRECATED] Disposes the RoughEase so that it is no longer stored for easy lookups by name with byName(), releasing it for garbage collection. **/ public function dispose():void { delete _lookup[_name]; } /** @private [DEPRECATED] name of the RoughEase instance **/ public function get name():String { return _name; } /** @private [DEPRECATED] name of the RoughEase instance **/ public function set name(value:String):void { delete _lookup[_name]; _name = value; _lookup[_name] = this; } /** * Permits customization of the ease with various parameters. * * @param vars a generic object with any of the following properties (all are completely optional): * * @return new RoughEase instance that is configured according to the parameters provided */ public function config(vars:Object=null):RoughEase { return new RoughEase(vars); } } }